Thursday, December 8, 2011

oh my!

We are BIG HUGE GIGANTIC SUPERCALAFRAGILISTICEXPEALIDOCIOUS lovers of handmade.  We proudly support handmade goodness from across the globe, from our beautiful signature tote, to original rattles, to beautifully crafted mobiles, to socially responsible jewelry.

So you can only imagine our excitement when our very favorite site (and fellow Canadian) announced their incredible New Biz for the New Year Ultimate Entrepreneur Giveaway.  Ah-may-zing!

Not only is this a chance for all the small guys and gals to win a fantastic prize package, but it's also a chance for us all to connect and discover each other and the talents we offer.  

A great big MWAH to Jessika from oh my! handmade.  A genius idea!

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Gone Bananas