Friday, July 29, 2011

The Theta Mom Community

If Theta Mom is a new term to you, then it is definitely a term that should be added to your daily vernacular.

Heather from Theta Mom is has created the sisterhood that's redefining motherhood.  And it is this kind of ingenuity that makes it such an honor to be featured in Theta Mom's community and marketplace.

Heather's mission does not only define what a Theta Mom is, but invites you to join her as a Theta Mom.

"What makes you a Theta Mom?
I invite you to join forces with me to revolutionize the way we think about our role as mothers. We need to begin the dialogue about what it truly means to be an authentic mom. Nobody said that motherhood would be easy. Theta Mom is the perfect space to share your story, your experiences, your life and your voice. Throughout this website, you will find that I share my life experiences as a Theta Mom which begins the conversation of how I live as a true, authentic mom."
A great big hug to Heather for the amazing review and for allowing us to be a part of such an important group.


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Gone Bananas